Personal data protection management system

An app which helps you tidy up, automate and support processes related to personal data protection (GDPR).

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    Red Into Green needs your e-mail address to activate the service. By clicking the START FOR FREE button, you accept the rules set out in the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Anti-Spam Policy, and you enter into a Data Processing Agreement. Accessibility information.

    14-day trial | Start for free | No credit card required

    Ready dictionaries The app uses dictionaries thanks to which you do not have to enter the values manually. Once used, the values will be suggested in subsequent records.
    Everything at hand Reports give you insight into processes, resources and threats that pose the biggest risk to data security across an organization.
    Easy to use An intuitive interface, similar to Excel. Files can be exported to Excel.
    Team player The app enables teamwork.
    Available from anywhere You can access it through a web browser without having to install it.
    Intuitive Logical and ergonomic design of the modules and their components.